Higher Kindended Types in F# Part IV - Signature Annotations

A short introduction on how to express higher kinded type also on function signatures and write even more generic compile time checked functions.

Series Table of Contents

I hope you liked the previous parts of this series

The Case of the Missing Type Classes

The examples sofar have shown how to define a higher kinded type using decomposition approaches. However this is not the end of the story. What you usually want (and can do) with languages supporting HKTs is to write generic functions that operate on those types and are even able to express relationships between the constituent parts of such a a type.

Let’s return to our previous examples (and this might be a good time to (re)read at least part III of it - or even all of it)

type Brand<'a, 'b> (value:obj) =
    member self.Apply() : obj = value   

type Decision<'a> = Decision of 'a

type InProgress () = class end
type Finished () =  class end

type InProgress<'a> = {value: 'a; decision: Decision<'a>}
type Finished<'a> = {value: 'a; initial: 'a; timestamp: int}

Before we continue let’s define some terms:

  • Brand is the container that we need to actually define a HKT
  • the parameterless classes that somehow mirror every type that we want to defunctionalize we will call Tag
  • and finally the the type that we want to elavate we will call Kind (actually that should be potential Kind but …)

So when we have defined our Brand (which we should import from a library) our Tag and our Kind we can easily define concrete higher kinded types like this

type FinishedInt = Brand<Finished, int>

and we can define our inj and prj functions to transform between the Brand(ed) representation and the native Kind.

let inline inj (value: Finished<'A>) : Brand<Finished, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
let inline prj (value: Brand<Finished, 'A>) : Finished<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

But there is a problem. We have to write a separate inj and prj for every Tag and Kind pair even thou their implementation is exactly the same and is screaming generic implementation. But we need those exact parameter signatures. On top of all of this we have to implement those functions in their own module as functions can not be overloaded.

module INP =
    let inline inj (value: InProgress<'A>) : Brand<InProgress, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
    let inline prj (value: Brand<InProgress, 'A>) : InProgress<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

module FIN =
    let inline inj (value: Finished<'A>) : Brand<Finished, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
    let inline prj (value: Brand<Finished, 'A>) : Finished<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

And if we add a new type we need to do all of this once again

type Cancelled () =  class end
type Cancelled<'a> = {value: 'a; timestamp: int}

module FIN =
    let inline inj (value: Cancelled<'A>) : Brand<Cancelled, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
    let inline prj (value: Brand<Cancelled, 'A>) : Cancelled<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

Wow! This is like AC/DCs concert boxes on full blast yelling “Type Classes” (or “Thunder”)! Btw. if you want to make yourself heard here is the type class proposal

Build your Own Type Classes

Alas I promised you that there is a way to turn that boilerplate mess into a generic and understandable code. Let’s first try a very naive version of it and simply leave the types out.

let inline inj value = new Brand<_,_>(value)
let inline prj(value: Brand<'Tag, 'ValueT1>) = value.Apply() :?> _

And now we create a Brand by using inj

let x1 : Brand<Finished, int> = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj

That works. Great! How about we let the type inferrer do a bit more of the work

let err10 = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj

Oops! That didn’t work nearly as I hoped for. The compiler tells us

Value restriction. The value 'err10' has been inferred to have generic type
    val err10 : Test.Brand<'_a,'_b>    
Either define 'err10' as a simple data term, make it a function with explicit arguments or, 
if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation.

So the compiler wants us to have a bit more type annotations. OK you might think that isn’t so bad. I got it running and I got a compiler error.
Well not exactly - Apart from not being able to infer types anymore we can do this now

let err20 : Brand<InProgress, int> = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj

without any compiler error or even worse

let err20 : Brand<InProgress, string> = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj

This code will result in a casting error during runtime. :-(
Unsurprisingly the naive version didn’t work out.
Before we continue lets analyse what we really want and that would be the following signature

let inline inj (value: Kind<'A, 'Tag>) : Brand<'Tag, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
let inline prj (value: Brand<'Tag, 'A>) : Kind<'A, 'Tag> = value.Apply() :?> _

We want a generic Kind that has its usual generic parameter and its assicated Tag and that generic parameter and that Tag should be mirrored in the Brand signature …
Only F# doesn’t support generic types that have other generic type params. That would be a higher kinded type.
Again how can this be solved? Somehow a type is needed that binds the ordinary geneneric param together with the Tag and the Kind
Or maybe just a function signature? Let’s try to extend our Kinds with a Kind member function

type InProgress<'a> = {value: 'a; decision: Decision<'a>}
    member x.Kind(): ('a * InProgress) = undef()

type Finished<'a> = {value: 'a; initial: 'a; timestamp: int}
    member x.Kind(): ('a * Finished) = undef()

Define some simple helper so we do not need to really implement those Kind members

let undef () : ('a * 'b) = (Unchecked.defaultof<'a>, Unchecked.defaultof<'b>)

And now we rewrite our inj and prj functions using this information

let inline inj<'Kind, 'Tag, 'A when 'Kind : (member Kind : unit -> 'A * 'Tag)> (value: 'Kind) : Brand<'Tag, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
let inline prj<'Kind, 'Tag, 'A when 'Kind : (member Kind : unit -> 'A * 'Tag)> (value: Brand<'Tag, 'A>) : 'Kind = value.Apply() :?> _


Now lets test our code once again

let success01 = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj

and this will yield success01 :: Brand<Finished, int>. Nice! What about the reverse one?

let success02 = success01 |> prj

This will yield success02 :: Finished<int>. So type inferrence works as expected (and you can also annotate if you want to).
So what about those nasty runtime/casting errors. Lets try those

let err20 : Brand<InProgress, int> = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj
//                ^^^^^^^^^^ <- wrong

Now we are getting the following compile time error

Type mismatch. Expecting a
    'Finished<int> -> Brand<InProgress,int>'    
but given a
    'Finished<int> -> Brand<Finished,int>'    
The type 'InProgress' does not match the type 'Finished'

That is exactly what we wanted. Let’s test the other param

let err21 : Brand<Finished, string> = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj
//                          ^^^^^^ <- wrong

and will get thow following correct compile time error

Type mismatch. Expecting a
    'Finished<int> -> Brand<Finished,string>'    
but given a
    'Finished<int> -> Brand<Finished,int>'    
The type 'string' does not match the type 'int'


Very nice. Again what we wanted and expected.
The whole exercise came at a cost thou: the function signatures for inj and prj have become a bit wordy it seems. So we will condense that using some type aliasing

type Kind<'Kind, 'Tag, 'A when 'Kind : (member Kind : unit -> 'A * 'Tag)> = 'Kind

and this new function signatures

let inline inj(value: Kind<'Kind, 'Tag, 'A>) : Brand<'Tag, 'A> = new Brand<_,_>(value)
let inline prj(value: Brand<'Tag, 'A>) : Kind<'Kind, 'Tag, 'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

The only thing to take care of is that your IDE will show you now the type alias for the Kind. Something like Kind<obj,Finished,int> or Kind<Finished<int>,Finished,int> instead of just Finished<int>

So are we done?
Almost …
Well …
hmm … Nope!

What About Type Aliases?

This all will only work if (and only if) you control those Kinds or you can apply extension methods. If however your Kind is an type alias itself like this

type Cancelled<'a> = List<'a>

Then it cant work as you can not extend type aliases

type Cancelled<'a> = List<'a>
    member x.Kind(): ('a * Cancelled) = undef()

So we get this error

Type abbreviations cannot have augmentations


What can we do?
One solution would be to wrap the type into a single case discriminate union or a 1 field record

type Cancelled<'a> = Cancelled of List<'a>
    member x.Kind(): ('a * Cancelled) = undef()

This will work. However now you will have more ceremony on the call site as you now will have to wrap and unwrap your type all of the time

let extract (Cancelled xs) : List<'a> = xs

let x = [1 2 3] |> Cancelled |> inj
let success02 = x |> prj |> extract

It might not be so bad but still we are already using Brands as wrappers in order to encapsulate the concept of HKTs and now we also need an additional wrapper for the Kind itself. Not good!

Build Your Own Type Checker

Luckily there is another way by building our own TypeChecker

First we start reordering our types, and then we get rid of the Kind members. Instead we define a projection function within each Tag

type InProgress<'a> = {value: 'a; decision: Decision<'a>}
type InProgress () = 
    static member Prj(value: Brand<InProgress, 'A>) : InProgress<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

type Finished<'a> = {value: 'a; initial: 'a; timestamp: int}
type Finished () = 
    static member Prj(value: Brand<Finished, 'A>) : Finished<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

type Cancelled<'a> = 'a list
type Cancelled () =
    static member Prj(value: Brand<Cancelled, 'A>) : Cancelled<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

Then we define a type checker type with lots of overloaded operator functions. For each Kind we want to handle one.

type TypeChecker = TypeChecker
    static member ($) (TypeChecker, _ : Cancelled<'a>) : (Cancelled * 'a) = undef()
    static member ($) (TypeChecker, _ : Finished<'a>) : (Finished * 'a) = undef()
    static member ($) (TypeChecker, _ : InProgress<'a>) : (InProgress * 'a) = undef()

These overloaded operator functions will now be used in the same way that the Kind members where used previously. And finally we define an inline wrapper to call those overloaded operators.

let inline typeCheck x = TypeChecker $ x 

Let’s implement our rather short injection function now

let inline inj (value: 'Kind) : Brand<'Tag, 'A> = 
    let _ : ('Tag * 'A) = typeCheck value
    new Brand<_,_>(value)

WTF?! What kind if witch craft is this? What does let _ : ('Tag * 'A) = typeCheck value do?

Effectively NOTHING!
It is only there to trigger the checking of the compiler. Remember in our first example we bolted the type check into the Kind member function and therefore we were able to check that as part of the function signature of our (value: 'Kind) parameter. When using type aliases as Kinds that doesn’t work anymore. Now we need to extract that type check into its own type and trigger it via polymorphic invoction.

The last part is the prj function

let inline prj(value: Brand< ^Tag, 'A>) : 'Kind = 
    (^Tag : (static member Prj: Brand< ^Tag, 'A> -> 'Kind) (value))

This is relatively easy (if you disregard the invocation using generic type constraints) we simply relay to our Prj member functions define in the Tag types.
Let’s run a few tests

let x0 = {value = 1; initial = 2; timestamp = 3} |> inj
// val x0 :: Brand<Finished, int>
let y1 = [1; 2; 3] |> inj
// val y1 :: Brand<Cancelled, int>

This all works perfectly - also the type inferrence. Lets project a bit

let y2 = y1 |> prj
// val y2 :: Cancelled<int>

Great - that works as well. The only thing is that somehow we ended up implementing inj and prj for every type. It is an improvement thou. We dont need to create a seperate module for each type and we need not care which function can be applied to which type.

Are we done?
Almost. Really!

Just a word of warning: the last iteration I showed you was triggered by the fact that you can’t attach extension methods to type aliases and in reality also the initial approach doesn’t work in general if you are not in control of the type. The question now is what happens if you introduce another type alias into the system so that you

type Cancelled<'a> = 'a list
type Cancelled () =
    static member Prj(value: Brand<Cancelled, 'A>) : Cancelled<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _

type Done () = 
    static member Prj(value: Brand<Done, 'A>) : Done<'A> = value.Apply() :?> _
and Done<'a> = 'a list

This is will of course confuse the type inferrer. So you need to add some type annotations

let y1 : Brand<Cancelled, int> = [1; 2; 3] |> inj

The projection function will work as expected thou

let y2 = y1 |> prjX

This is it!

Follow me to the (soon to be published) 5th part of this series for a roundup and FAQ

If you have any comments drop me a note on twitter or via email. You’ll find the contact info on my homepage or leave a comment at the issue tracker of this repository

Written on May 5, 2017